Share Your AKR Story: Kevin Briley’s Story
We’ve got another amazing story to share with you! Kevin Briley submitted the tale of his first dive trip, taken in celebration of his and his wife’s anniversary. Kevin and his wife ended up meeting a fellow guest and becoming fast friends. Since 2011, they’ve taken a total of six trips with this new friend that they met at Anthony’s Key Resort!
Thank you so much, Kevin, for sharing your story with us. We’re so happy that you and your wife made a lifelong friend at the resort, and we hope to see you sometime in the future!
“In 2011 my wife and I decided to go on our first dive trip for our Anniversary. After research we found AKR and decided to give it a shot. After arriving we felt like we had made a great choice. Everyone was friendly and seemed to try to get to know you. First day on the dive boat we were doing our check out, and my wife had a few problems. She decided that she wasn’t ready to dive yet. She ended up just going and hanging out on the boat. Now I have to find a new dive buddy. There was a lady that was traveling alone and she said she would buddy up with me. We spent the next couple days diving together. My wife and I would have drinks with her and another couple that were on our dive boat. After skipping an afternoon dive to take my wife on a shore dive to get her a little more comfortable, she started diving with us the next day. So now I had 2 dive buddies. We spent the week with our new friends, and ended up spending the last night of our trip with them at dinner. It was our Anniversary that night and had planned on spending a romantic evening together, but decided that we really wanted to spend our last night with our new friends. They had AKR make our favorite dessert for us as a surprise. We decided that we should meet up again in two years and dive together again. So two years later my new dive buddy met me and my wife for another dive trip. Unfortunately not AKR, they were booked for the week were able to travel. We are now a couple months away from going on our sixth trip with our new friend. We are so luck to have found such a great friend, dive buddy, and travel companion.”
Kevin Briley
If you would like to visit Anthony’s Key Resort and see what the fuss is about, book your stay today!