Our Team
The Heart of Anthony’s Key Resort
Anthony’s Key Resort is owned and managed by the Galindo family and has operated it since 1970. Julio Galindo Sr. (Don Julio) was born and raised in Roatan, and his accomplishments far exceed the well-run five-star dive resort he has managed for more than 30 years. Don Julio and his family have been active in the political, environmental, and social aspects of the Bay Islands for many years. Shortly after Don Julio began his involvement as manager of AKR, he was elected Mayor of Roatan, a position he served for four years. He took a break from politics after becoming the sole owner of the resort, and under his direction, the resort underwent several large expansions. One of these expansions included the establishment of RIMS in 1989.
As a strong advocate for education, research, and conservation, Don Julio has said, “We can no longer take it for granted that our reefs, lagoons, forests, and the life they support can absorb without damage the development the island will inevitably experience. Opportunities for systematic study and research of our habitats should be offered. It is imperative that we preserve what we have.” This active interest in the quality of life and environment once again put Don Julio back in the political arena. In 1990, he was elected Senator of the Bay Islands and appointed Chairman for the Development of the Bay Islands. In 2009, he ran and was elected as mayor, serving a four-year term.
His wife, Cheryl Galindo, is also an active member of the community. With the guidance and expertise of the Honduran Institute of Anthropology, Cheryl created the Roatan Museum in 1992, which is housed in the RIMS facility. She served as head of the board of directors for the Bay Islands Conservation Association (BICA), a non-profit environmental organization, and founded the Roatan Bilingual School in Coxen Hole.
Samir, the General Manager, oversees Anthony’s Key Resort full-time on the property in Roatan, while Haydee manages the U.S. reservations office. We fondly remember Julito, who was part of our management team until his passing in 2007. Together, they are the children of Julio and Cheryl, contributing deeply to our family-led leadership. A dedicated team of over 200 staff members supports them, including office workers, groundsmen, housekeepers, and personnel in the kitchen, waitstaff, diving, boating, maintenance, and security sectors. Our staff is friendly and courteous and a rich source of tales about island life.